Category: opinions

  • Divide and Conquer is the Devil’s Strategy

    Divide and Conquer is the Devil’s Strategy

    Divide and Conquer is the Devil's Strategy psalm375
    Photo by Andrew Moca on Unsplash

    Divide and Conquer is the Devil’s Strategy, a deceptive tactic designed to create division, confusion, and conflict among people.

    By turning individuals and groups against each other—dividing them by race, gender, ideology, and social status—this strategy ensures that true unity remains impossible.

    Instead of recognizing the real forces working behind the scenes, people become too consumed with arguing, blaming, and fighting one another.

    This endless conflict creates the perfect environment for those in power to manipulate, control, and maintain their dominance without resistance.

    The real question is, are we blindly falling into this trap, allowing ourselves to be deceived, or will we wake up and see the bigger picture?

    Photo by Ante Hamersmit on Unsplash

    Divide and Conquer: The Strategy Behind Our Division

    Have you noticed how the world today is filled with endless arguments over the smallest things? Issues that shouldn’t even be discussed anymore are still being debated, triggering people to take sides and fight. These seemingly minor issues divide us—by gender, ethnicity, age, ideology, and whatever else they can use to separate us.

    I believe this isn’t just a coincidence or the work of a few ordinary individuals. This division is orchestrated by powerful, influential people with the means to amplify these minor issues.

    The Purpose? Power and Control

    Manipulating human emotions is easier than most people realize.

    A subtle nudge on a sensitive topic, a carefully placed statement, or a strategically shared piece of content can trigger an immediate and intense reaction.

    People become defensive, angry, or deeply emotional without fully understanding the bigger picture.

    Instead of thinking critically, they react instinctively, often playing right into the hands of those who seek to control and divide them.

    Historically, one of the first major division was based on social status. Since the beginning of time, the powerful and wicked have separated society into the rich and the poor—because wealth is the easiest way to divide people.

    One example is cultural appropriation, where people from different ethnic backgrounds get offended when others adopt aspects of their culture.

    For instance, some members of the black community feel that braiding hair is exclusive to them and criticize other ethnicities for doing it.

    Naturally, other groups argue that braids have existed across various cultures worldwide. Should ponies claim ownership over ponytails, too? hahaha!

    This escalates further when someone retaliates with, “Then why do you dye your hair blonde when you’re not naturally blonde?” or “But how is it okay for Beyonce to be blonde?”

    And just like that, a pointless argument spirals out of control over something that shouldn’t even be an issue.

    This kind of conflict doesn’t just happen with black people—it occurs across different ethnic groups, where individuals are hated simply because of race or culture.

    Social Media: Fueling the Divide

    Photo by Resume Genius on Unsplash

    Many users on (formerly Twitter) actively fuel division by sharing videos meant to provoke anger and hostility between different races.

    For example, some black social media influencers engage in controversial actions in foreign countries, sometimes even getting arrested.

    But it’s not just them—white people are also shown in a negative light to provoke outrage.

    However, after reading a comment from a Japanese User, I discovered that in this video, the Japanese person was actually the wrongdoer, while the Black individual was innocent.

    Isn’t this post just an act of spreading hate?

    Hate Post
    Click Here To Verify This

    Likewise, migrant-related controversies are spreading. Some videos show migrants causing trouble in foreign lands, but think about it—if you were a migrant in another country, would you deliberately stir up chaos? If these incidents are real, the bigger question is why they are happening, who is behind them, and why these groups seem so organized.

    Photo by Sushil Nash on Unsplash

    Of course, many individuals from these backgrounds are good and decent people, but the spread of hate ensures that even the innocent get dragged into the conflict.

    And since society is already divided by ethnicity, they moved on to gender.

    Photo by Sinitta Leunen on Unsplash

    The Gender War

    To be honest, I find the concept of modern feminism confusing. Throughout history, men have done many things to make women happy, even at their own expense. Doesn’t that already mean men are pro-women?

    One major feminist claim is the wage gap, which has been debunked multiple times.

    They focus on high-paying jobs, where salaries are determined by experience and value to the company, not gender.

    Another claim is that women don’t qualify for top-paying positions due to discrimination. But I doubt this.

    Some jobs naturally favor one gender over another—this isn’t about equality but about practicality.

    Photo by Cesar La Rosa on Unsplash

    Take modeling, for example. Even the top male models earn far less than female models. Yet, have you ever heard of men protesting this wage gap?

    Similarly, in nursing, caregiving, customer service, and hospitality, men struggle to enter these fields even if they want to. But feminists only focus on high-paying jobs where hiring decisions are based on experience, network, and potential profit, rather than gender.

    Photo by James A. Molnar on Unsplash

    And since gender isn’t divided enough, they introduced LGBTQ activism. What was once a peaceful community is now being used as another tool for division.

    Before, even though they were gay, they still recognized that they were men, and the same went for women. But now, because of all these issues, the question “What is a woman?” has suddenly emerged—something that shouldn’t even be up for debate or discussion in the first place.

    Religion: The Oldest Division

    Photo by Ismael Paramo on Unsplash

    Religious division has existed for centuries, and I believe it is one of the major sources of division in the world. Countless religious groups claim that they are the one true faith.

    Until the Lord returns, the world will never unite under one God. And even when He does, many will still reject Him and grow even more hostile.

    2 Thessalonians 2:10-12

    “They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason, God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie, and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”

    When Opinions Fuel Division

    Photo by Chase Chappell on Unsplash

    Our divisions are worsening, fueled by content creators who spread their opinions without considering that their words only escalate conflicts.

    What drives them first is their emotions—and, of course, the desire to gain more followers.

    After all, fame is money. But with everything they say, they’re not actually solving the division in the world; instead, they’re only triggering people even more.

    Colossians 2:8“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.”

    The Ultimate Goal: Divide and Conquer

    This strategy is highly effective because it prevents unity, weakens resistance, and makes it easier to manipulate groups. Those in power—whether governments, corporations, or elites—have used this tactic for centuries to control populations.

    If people are divided, they cannot organize effectively against real oppression. Instead of fighting the true oppressors, they fight each other, wasting energy on internal conflicts.

    So, if you think those posts on social media—especially on—are just random, think again. Why are there so many? Why are they so deliberately triggering?

    The internet has replaced television as the primary tool for programming people’s minds. If you lack discernment, it will easily control you.

    Proverbs 14:15 “The simple believe anything, but the prudent give thought to their steps.”

    I’m not saying we should stop using the internet or social media, but we need to filter what we consume. The world needs unity, not more division.

    1 Corinthians 1:10

    “I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought.”

  • The Devil’s Trick : How Society Fuels Insecurity

    The Devil’s Trick : How Society Fuels Insecurity

    The Devil’s Trick : How Society Fuels Insecurity

    Have you ever wondered why, no matter what you achieve, there’s always something that makes you feel like you’re not enough? Society has conditioned us to believe that beauty, wealth, and fame define our worth. We chase after unrealistic standards, constantly comparing ourselves to others, unaware that this endless cycle is not just a coincidence—it’s a carefully designed trap.

    The devil’s greatest trick isn’t just making us doubt ourselves; it’s convincing us that we must keep striving for something more—something better—something we’ll never truly reach. This deception keeps us distracted, insecure, and blind to what truly matters. But what if you could break free? What if the key to confidence and fulfillment was never in society’s hands but in your own?

    Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

    The Trap of Insecurity

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    Photo by Jingxi Lau on Unsplash

    Many people feel insecure, constantly asking, “Why am I not like this?” or “Why am I not like that?”

    We chase an idealized version of ourselves, believing that if only we were richer, more attractive, or more influential, we would finally be happy. But is that really the case?

    Society has been corrupted to make us feel inadequate—as if we are never enough. It tricks us into believing that if we attain a certain status or appearance, life will be better.

    But this is a deception designed to keep us distracted from what truly matters.

    At first, you only wanted enough money to buy what others have. But soon, you craved more—because wealth brings power. And even when you’ve accumulated riches, the satisfaction is fleeting. The hunger for more never ends.

    Worse, much of this money is spent on meaningless things—material possessions that decay, break, and fade away.

    Photo by Jingming Pan on Unsplash

    Matthew 6:19-21 (NKJV) – Treasure in Heaven
    “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

    Many fall further into the trap—spending wealth on vices like drinking, gambling, or drugs, never considering using it for good. Why? Because they’ve been tricked. The devil keeps their minds consumed with desires, blinding them to what truly matters.

    The Illusion of Beauty

    Photo by Peter Kalonji on Unsplash

    Society equates beauty with value. The beautiful are admired, the famous are praised. Many say, “I just want to feel confident,” but the truth is, we don’t need beauty to be confident. What we really seek is admiration.

    We want to be seen as special, to elevate ourselves. But does that mean those who don’t fit conventional beauty standards will never have confidence? If so, are they destined to be insecure forever?

    I’m not saying it’s okay to be unhealthy—because it’s not. But if you’re obsessing over a “desirable” body, it’s not about health; it’s about seeking approval. True health doesn’t require validation.

    Why waste energy maintaining beauty when aging is inevitable? One day, we will all grow old and die. What does beauty truly contribute to the world?

    Once you achieve beauty, you flaunt it—others see you. Some feel envious, some feel inspired. But in the end, you are influencing more people to fall into the same deception, losing sight of life’s true purpose.

    Society created beauty standards. If you see yourself as ugly, you also believe there are ugly people in the world.

    This mindset makes you judge others based on appearance—skin color, height, body shape. And if you belittle yourself, you are no different from those who judge others, because you measure worth the same way.

    The Trap of Fame

    If wealth or beauty doesn’t satisfy, the devil tempts us with fame. That’s why many social media influencers do questionable things for attention. They believe fame is the ultimate validation—greater than wealth or beauty—because people recognize them, admire them, and follow them.

    But in the pursuit of fame, many lose themselves, doing things that compromise their integrity just to remain relevant.

    These are just a few ways the devil tricks us, leading us away from what truly matters in life.

    The Truth About Self-Love

    This is self-love—the very reason the devil fell from heaven. He was insecure and desired things he shouldn’t have.

    Isaiah 14:12-15 (NKJV) – The Fall of Lucifer
    “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
    How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations!
    For you have said in your heart:
    ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
    I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north;
    I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.’
    Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the Pit.”

    But this kind of “self-love” is different from self-preservation. Self-love is about elevating yourself, wanting to be more valuable to match or surpass others. Self-preservation, on the other hand, is about taking care of yourself—you exercise for health, not for admiration. You work to survive, not to hoard wealth.

    The devil has manipulated society so much that it has programmed our minds to believe beauty, fame, and riches are life’s ultimate goals.

    1 John 5:19 (NKJV) – The World Lies Under the Devil’s Control
    “We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.”

    But many have realized this deception and escaped it. They understand that these things don’t bring true happiness. That they are not the reason we were created. Life isn’t about outdoing others or being among the elite based on society’s standards.

    The Real Source of Confidence

    These things won’t give you real confidence and security. We’ve been programmed to think something is missing in us. And yes, something is missing—but it’s not beauty, fame, or wealth. It’s our relationship with God.

    If our relationship with God is strong, insecurity disappears. Because we know we have a powerful protector. We know we are never insignificant because we have a great force backing us.

    Philippians 4:13 (NKJV) – God Strengthens Us
    “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

    Every day, we can live without insecurity, knowing our lives are right and secure.

    Proverbs 3:26 (NKJV) – The Lord is Our Security
    “For the Lord will be your confidence, and will keep your foot from being caught.”

    If you’ve read this, take it as a sign—it’s time to stop feeling insecure. It’s time to stop being ashamed of what you have. You are not lacking; you are already valuable.

    The ones judging you are the ones who are wrong. And if you belittle yourself, you are no different from those who judge others—because you see people the same way.

    Turn to God. Ask Him to free you from the grip of a society shaped by the devil. If you sincerely seek Him, He will free you—and you will see the world in a new light.

    Only when you reach this state of freedom will you truly understand the real meaning of equality and respect.